Everyone in the building is responsible for keeping the property safe. Here are some important fire prevention tips for the workplace.
Fire Safety Tips
- Keep your workspace organized and free of clutter as clutter provides fuel for the fire and may restrict access emergency exits.
- Almost 40% of workplace fires are caused by electrical failures. Check electrical cords periodically.
- Keep equipment that produces heat away from combustible objects and store flammable materials and chemicals safely.
- Be sure to learn where the escape routes and exits are located in the building.
- Make sure that power outlets are not overloaded with too many cords.
- Make sure that smoke detectors and fire alarms are inspected and tested regularly.
- Fire Extinguishers must have current inspections and be located on every floor.
- Regular fire drills should be performed at the workplace and there should be an evacuation procedure in place.
- Being prepared is the key to preventing fires at the workplace. Follow the guidelines above and you can save yourself and your coworkers from injuries and prevent severe property damage.
About American Claims Ensurance
American Claims Ensurance specializes in homeowners and business insurance claim representation. We work vigorously and for YOU to ensure you get the highest possible settlement from the insurance company. Best of all, when you hire the best public adjusters to represent you, you will not have to deal with the stress of working with your insurance company.
American Claims Ensurance offers our insurance claim representation services on a contingency fee basis to YOU. That means, that if we do not collect any funds for you, we do not get paid at all. We will handle the entire claim process from beginning to end and make sure you get the settlement YOU deserve.
American Claims Ensurance has decades of combined experience and expertise knowledge on how the claim process works. We will also help to expedite your claim as quickly as possible.
Public Adjusting Company in PA, NJ – American Claims Ensurance – LogoWe represent home and business owners and are retained as expert witnesses by various law firms in a variety of property loss claims, including:
- Fire and Smoke Damage
- Water Damage
- Flood Damage
- Catastrophic Damage
- Theft and Vandalism Damage
- Burst Pipes
- Frozen Pipes
- All Plumbing Leaks
- Toilet Overflow
- Snow and Ice Damage
- Roof Leaks
- Blown Off Shingles & Siding
- Building Collapse